Create assignments and mappings together
You can view and edit assignments and mappings for the selected patch, set, or concert in the Assignments & Mappings table, and create and edit assignments and mappings without leaving Edit mode.
Show the Assignments and Mappings table
Click the Assignments & Mappings tab at the top of the workspace (or press Shift-Command-M).
Click the Workspace tab at the top of the window (or press Shift-Command-W) to return to the workspace.
Create a new assignment and mapping together
Choose New Assignment from the Action pop-up menu.
A new, blank row appears in the table.
Click the Assign & Map button.
Manipulate the hardware control you want to assign.
The row is updated to show the new assignment.
To create a mapping, do one of the following:
Select a mapping parameter or action in the Screen Control Inspector.
Click a parameter on a channel strip or a plug-in window.
The table is updated to show the new mapping.